Before, during and after landfall of Sandy in late October 2013, NYSG-funded Stony Brook University (SBU) School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) researchers kept close tabs on the storm.
SBU Storm Surge Research Group members Drs. Malcolm Bowman and Brian Colle provided their results via E-mail, the Group’s Web site, and NYSG’s Web site. During the height of the storm, NYSG’s Twitter and Facebook feeds were the primary avenues for providing information as many (including the University) lost power and network connections. In some cases, the group was able to correct some of the storm-related inaccuracies reported about coastal flooding in lower Manhattan.

A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
GOES-13 satellite-produced image of Sandy descending on the U.S.
Northeast on Monday, October 29, 2012. This image shows the storm as it
is centered off of Maryland and Virginia, is heading in a northwestern
direction towards the Delaware and southern New Jersey coasts.
So, what can Metro New York do to help protect against superstorms like Sandy? Here are some of Bowman's suggestions ...
- Metro New York is at serious risk from extreme weather events and it will
get worse in the decades ahead
- The city's current doctrine of "resilience" is necessary but not sufficient
to protect the city against future catastrophes
- What is needed for long term protection (up to 150 years) is the
construction of storm surge barriers augmented by enhanced sand dunes along the
ocean shorelines (up to 30' high and several hundred yards wide), similar to
those already in operation in St Petersburg, Russia, and the Netherlands
- To make the project economically and politically feasible, an Outer Harbor
Gateway would need to be a multipurpose system incorporating a 6-lane interstate
toll road-bypass from northern NJ to Long Island/JFK airport, a light rail
connection between Newark and JFK airports, as well as storm surge protection
- What is now needed is a comprehensive study by the US Army Corps of
Engineers, detailing oceanographic, meteorological, geological and engineering
aspects, plus an investigation of suitable locations, the effects on ocean
circulation and flushing, ecology, fisheries, transportation, legal aspects,
social justice issues, and economics
- Eventually rising sea levels will submerge New York City as we know it; but
systems of seawalls, levees, barriers, pumps and enhanced dunes will extend the
protection of the City to perhaps 200-250 years from now
- We can learn much from the European experience - we have the advantage of
being 75-100 years behind Amsterdam and Rotterdam's situation of being located
6'-12' below sea level - so we can learn.
NYSG News Stories / Media- Superstorm Sandy: One Year Later and Beyond (January 2014 - Present)
Stories featuring NYSG-funded researchers and specialists
Are We Ready For The Next Hurricane? (April 2015)
A late April 2015 symposium featuring local experts on Superstorm Sandy and Preparedness
- Sandy: Science Behind the Storm, Two Years Later (November 2014)
Late October 2014 marked the two-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy’s
landfall in the Metro NY region. Since then, there have been many
positions taken by researchers and decision-makers alike on which
management response route New York should take: one of resistance
(precaution and prevention), resilience (bringing our communities back
to their pre-storm state) or re-alignment (evolve and reconfigure what,
how and when to rebuild).
"I cannot tell you when the next big one will be, but it will come,"
says NYSG-funded Stony Brook University storm surge expert Dr. Malcolm
Bowman. "It's inevitable in the long term. And the sooner we come to
that realization, the better."
- Coastal Storms Awareness Program
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s $1.4M
"Coastal Storm Awareness Program" (CSAP) is a multi-year partnership
with Sea Grant programs in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut that is
intended to raise awareness of how severe weather is communicated to and
within communities. Below are updates on several of the 10 funded
projects, several of which are administered by each of the three Sea
Grant programs. Additional information on CSAP can be found at www.nyseagrant.org/csap.
- WWWhat's Trending: Be Weather-Ready, Year-Round (November 2014)
Whether the weather calls for rain, snow, strong winds or something else
severe, one thing is for sure: Winging it is not an option. Here's what
you need to know about these and other seasonal concerns from NOAA, Sea
Grant, the National Weather Service, the Federal Emergency Management
Agency and others.
- Social Science & Severe Weather: Evaluating NOAA's Impact-based Warning Tool (September 2014)
As featured on the National Sea Grant Office's Web site, NYSG's
Associate Director Dr. Kathy
Bunting-Howarth is one of four social scientists from the Great Lakes
Social Science Network who evaluated the effectiveness of some warnings
put out by the National Weather Service. “Understanding how to best
communicate about severe weather is
imperative," says Bunting-Howarth.
- Sea Grant Extension Exchange Offers Insights into Storm Recovery (July 2014)
More than two years after Hurricane Sandy made landfall in the
northeast, the Sea Grant programs in New Jersey, New York and
Connecticut are still dealing with storm recovery issues. Louisiana Sea
Grant—whose specialists helped their communities in the aftermath of severe storms including Katrina and Rita—lend a helping hand.
- MWA's Annual Conference: Rebuilding NYC's Waterfront in the Wake of Severe Storms (June 2014)
The focus of this Spring 2014 conference was on grassroots,
community-based waterfront plans developed before and after Superstorm
Sandy. As panelists and the hundreds of attendees alike asked during the
day-long discussion sessions, we've surely done great planning, but are
we doing enough to get the job done?
- Communications is Key to Hurricane Preparedness (May 2014)
Atlantic Hurricane Season began June 1 and, as documented by
National Sea Grant Office 2014 Knauss Fellow Elizabeth Bevand, Sea Grant
is helping communities throughout the U.S. prepare for hurricanes for
the short and long term. Also, NYSG's Web Content Manager Paul C.
Focazio is profiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's National Sea Grant College Program about what everyone
needs to know about preparing for a hurricane as well as how he got
hooked on science communications and how others in or considering the
field might sharpen their skills.
- NOAA and Sea Grant Issue 2014 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook in NYC
(May 2014)
What was the outlook for the 2014 Atlantic hurricane
season? That was the
topic of discussion at a news conference held at the New York City
Office of Emergency Management in Brooklyn on Thursday, May
22. Also, New York Sea Grant joins other Great Lakes Sea Grant
programs in a social science study to help evaluate more effective
weather warnings.
- Researchers Convene in NYC to Discuss Improving Community Awareness on Coastal Storms (May 2014)
The Cornell Chronicle, Syracuse's Post Standard and a
string of newspapers, including New York's Newsday, are just some of the
media outlets giving attention to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)'s $1.4M "Coastal Storm Awareness Program" (CSAP).
This multi-year effort—a partnership between NOAA and Sea Grant
programs in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut—is intended to raise
awareness of how severe weather is communicated to and within
- Sandy's Harsh Legacy: NYSG Helps New Yorkers Understand and Mitigate Its Impacts (April 2014)
In Sandy’s wake, New York Sea Grant surveyed 250
marinas feeling $85 million in economic impacts, tracked the fate of
nitrogen inputs to salt marsh ecosystem following sewage treatment
failure, and monitored the growth of Fire Island breach.
- Weathering the Next Big Storm (March 2014)
This Stony Brook Magazine feature examines the efforts of
the often-New York Sea Grant-funded Stony Brook's Storm Surge Research
Group, whose members offer a bold plan to protect New York City.
- NOAA Provides Future Flood Zones for New York City (March 2014)
Since 2010, Stony Brook University (SBU) School of Marine and
Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) oceanographer Malcolm Bowman, a long-time
NYSG-funded researcher, has served on the New York Panel Climate Change
and co-authored the recently released, related report.
- New York Sea Grant Joins NOAA and NWS in Support of 2014's National Severe Weather Preparedness Week (March 2014)
Highlighting NYSG's recent round of research and education to raise awareness of severe storms like Superstorm Sandy.
- NOAA and Sea Grant Announce Projects for $1.4M Coastal Storm Awareness Program (January 2014)
Sea Grant programs in NJ, NY and CT award $1.4M in funds for 10 projects to improve hazard warnings for tri-state residents.
- Stony Brook University Researcher Malcolm Bowman vs. The Storms (December 2013)
As declared by The Village Times Herald, a weekly newspaper
published on Long Island's north shore, Bowman was named a "Man of the
Year" for raising awareness of coastal storm dangers. A summary of other
topical media discussions with the likes of NBC Nightly News with Brian
Williams, the BBC, and journalist Dan Rather is also included.
NYSG News Stories / Media - Superstorm Sandy: One Year Later (October 2013 - December 2013)
Stories featuring NYSG-funded researchers and specialists
- NOAA and Sea Grant's Response
For seven days in the Fall of 2012, Hurricane Sandy pounded the
Caribbean and U.S. East Coast with punishing rain, wind, and waves. As
the storm approached landfall, the National Hurricane Center renamed the
hurricane "Post-Tropical Cyclone Sandy." But to those whose lives were
devastated -- it will always be remembered as Superstorm Sandy.
- NOAA, Sea Grant Programs Post-Sandy Step-Up: Press Briefing, Conference Educate on Coastal Storms
At a November 2013 NOAA Coastal Storms Press Briefing in Washington,
D.C., NYSG’s Coastal Processes Specialist Jay Tanski offered a
perspective on how to implement NOAA-wide initiatives at the local
level. As documented in several video clips from Portland, Maine's ABC,
CBS and NBC affiliates, Tanski was also a speaker at mid-July 2013's
Maine Sea Grant-hosted event Beaches Conference, where over 200+
attendees engaged in post-Superstorm Sandy discussions, among other
- NOAA Announces Sea Grant's Coastal Storm Awareness Program
As discussed by Peyton Robertson, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's Chair of Sandy Assessment Team via Federal News Radio,
Sea Grant programs in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut are
administering a new $1.8M NOAA-funded Coastal Storm Awareness Program.
The funded projects will examine how people react to storm warnings and
how to best communicate this information to communities and its
- On Blog: Can Salt Marshes Handle Effluent From a Failed Sewage Treatment Plant?
New York Sea Grant funded research to measure if the ecosystem could
handle the additional sewage and increase its capacity to serve as a
“nutrient sink,” or if the enhanced nutrient loads would shift the
ecosystem to an alternative state that perpetuates additional organic
matter loading.
- On Blog, On YouTube: Superstorm Sandy: One Year Later - Long Island Breach
In late October 2012, Hurricane Sandy split Fire Island, New York
into two islands, creating a new inlet to the bay behind it. As seen in a
video clip from National Geographic and documented in a photo journal
blog, NYSG-funded scientists explain why monitoring the breach is
important, as its evolution will affect the tidal dynamics and the
ecosystem of the Long Island's eastern Great South Bay.
- National Geographic: Rising Seas
In September 2013, National Geographic placed a spotlight on climate change in its extensive feature story, "Rising Seas," which focused on a central series of concepts: As the planet warms, the sea rises. Coastlines flood. What will we protect? What will we abandon? How will we face the danger of rising seas?
- On YouTube: Documentary - Superstorm Sandy
documentary short “Sandy’s Hidden Damage” shows how the storm has
changed the city forever – and how experts' opinions on what will save
New York clash while some New Yorkers affected by Sandy feel left
- On Air: Burn - Rising Seas
This radio and Web series examines the causes and consequences of sea level changes in south Florida, the Gulf Coast, New York City, and Greenland, where ice-melt is going to make the world a very different place.
- On YouTube: Protecting The East Coast From Future Storms
a November 2013 interview with MyLITV, Dr. Malcolm Bowman explains what
U.S. East coast communities should do to prevent "Sandy-Like" damage.
Stony Brook University Researcher Malcolm Bowman vs. The Storms
As declared by The Village Times Herald, a weekly newspaper published on Long Island's north shore, this Stony Brook University researcher is a "Man of the Year" for raising awareness of dangers
NYSG News Stories - Superstorm Sandy (October 2012 - September 2013)
Stories featuring NYSG-funded researchers and specialists
Stony Brook University Storm Surge Research Group Track Superstorm Sandy, Correct Inaccuracies (November 2012) More>
In the News: Superstorm Sandy and the Discussion from SBU Experts that Followed (November 2012) More>
Also includes media transcripts from NBC and ABC News, National Public Radio and dozens of additional news stories [October 30 - November 15, 2012]
Transcripts, with video/audio, are available for the following media segments:
October 30, 2012: NBC News/Cosmic Blog - "NYC flood was foreseen: Now what?"
November 1, 2012: NBC News/Rock Center with Brian Williams - "Hurricane Sandy provides 'wake-up call' for cities at risk of flooding"
November 1, 2012: National Public Radio - "Protecting New York From Future Flooding"
November 2, 2012: ABC News - "Superstorm Sandy Spurs Talk of Sea Barrier for New York"
November 8, 2012: NPR On Point - "In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, New York looks at sea walls"
Also, check out May 2011's SBU Provost Lecture - Malcolm Bowman: Tsunami: Could It Happen To Us?
On YouTube: SoMAS Lecture - Storm Surge From Superstorm Sandy: Causes and Impacts (December 2012) More>
Also includes media transcripts from PBS News Hour, Regional News Network, and more. [November 2 - December 3, 2012]
Transcripts, with video/audio, are available for the following media segments:
November 20, 2012: On YouTube: PBS News Hour - "Protecting NY From Future Superstorms as Sea Levels Rise"
November 12, 2012: On YouTube: Regional News Network - "After the Storm - Could All The Flooding Have Been Avoided?"
New York Sea Grant Responds to Superstorm Sandy (March 2013) More>
News: NYSG Joins Some 600+ Attendees at MWA's Annual NYC Conference (June 2013) More>
WWWhat's Trending: Scientists Go ‘Social’ with Sandy, An Award-Winning Campaign (New York Coastlines, Summer 2013) More>
Science - Post-Sandy Report
New York City Panel on Climate Change: Climate Risk Information 2013 - Observations, Climate Change Projections, and Maps (June 2013) (pdf)
NYSG-funded SBU SoMAS investigator Malcolm Bowman is one of the panel members who helped compile this report, which was released by PlaNYC and the NYC Mayor's Office
Climate change poses significant risks to New York City’s communities and infrastructure. Hurricane Sandy has focused attention on the effects that extreme climate events have on New York City, reminding New Yorkers that the city is vulnerable to a range of climate hazards today and in the future.
To help respond to climate change in New York City and accomplish the goals outlined in PlaNYC, the City’s long-term sustainability plan, Mayor Bloomberg convened the First New York City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC1) in 2008. The NPCC – a body of leading climate and social scientists and risk management experts – was charged with advising the Mayor and the New York City Climate Change Adaptation Task Force on issues related to climate change and adaptation. It produced a set of climate projections specific to New York City.
Following Hurricane Sandy, Mayor Bloomberg convened the second New York City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC2) in January 2013 to provide up-to-date scientific information and analyses on climate risks for use in the Special Initiative for Rebuilding and Resiliency (SIRR). In response to the Mayor’s charge to the Panel, this 38 page report provides new climate change projections and future coastal flood risk maps for New York City. This climate risk information is designed to inform community rebuilding plans, and help to increase current and future resiliency of communities, and citywide systems and infrastructure to a range of climate risks.
Related Media: The New York Times (June 10, 2013) (pdf)
"New Climate Data Depict a City More at Risk"
Science - Post-Sandy Panel Discussions
April 10, 2013 - Superstorm Sandy Symposium, Stony Brook University (pdf)
This symposium continued the discussion between academic and local communities of Long Island on the impacts of natural disasters, like Superstorm Sandy. On examination were issues such as the post-storm impacts (what have we learned), hazard preparation and avoidance, what can be expected in future events, and some of the political and legal issues central to the discussion.
The format included talks from distinguished guest speakers and an open discussion from a panel forum.
Guest speakers and panel included:
- Malcolm Bowman, Distinguished Service Professor, SoMAS
- Steven Englebright, Lecturer, Sustainability Studies
- Charles Flagg, Research Professor, SoMAS
- Ann Siders, Associate Director, & Fellow, Center for Climate Change Law
- Michael White, Counsel at Anthony E Core, PC, former director of the LI Regional Planning Council
Related Media: Three Village Patch (April 9, 2013) (pdf)
"Hurricane Sandy Symposium Will Explore Climate Change, Storm Preparation"
April 18, 2013 - Stony Brook Great Debate: Hurricane Sandy: Can We Continue Living at the Edge of the Sea?, Stony Brook University
A featured discussion of SBU's EARTHSTOCK 2013 - A Celebration of Earth Day (April 15-19)
Since Superstorm Sandy struck the northeastern seaboard on October 29, 2012, causing enormous destruction and misery, there has been a multitude of voices raised as to what we should next. For many years there has been often unwise development of industrial, commercial, residential and recreational properties along our coastlines. Should we rebuild, redesign, or retreat? What is the legacy we are leaving to the next generation? A group of experts debated these issues, discussed the dilemmas and pointed us toward what are the correct questions we should be asking.
- Jim Klurfeld, Moderator. Professor of Journalism, Stony Brook University
- Alex Marshall, Journalist at the Regional Plan Association, New York City
- Carol Ash, President of the Carey Center for Social Good and former New York State Parks Commissioner
- Jay Tanski, New York Sea Grant Extension Specialist, Stony Brook and Cornell Universities
- Malcolm Bowman, Professor of Oceanography, School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
Superstorm Sandy Media Archives
Serving as an addendum to the November 2012 NYSG news item "In the News: Superstorm Sandy and the Discussion from SBU Experts that Followed," here are other topical stories generated from media outlets before, during and after
superstorm Sandy was in the metro New York area. These articles, ranging from November 2012 - October 2013, cite NYSG-funded researchers (including Malcolm Bowman as well as fellow SBU Storm Surge Research
Group investigator Brian Colle) and/or specialists (including NYSG Coastal Processes and Facilities Specialist Jay Tanski) ...
On YouTube: Video Clips
Panel Discussions
The New Yorker: The Big Story - Gathering Storms (December 2012) (Click Here)
Milbank Tweed Forum: Climate-Proofing New York (April 2013) (Click Here)
Sea Walls vs. Storm Surge Barriers
NY1: Fighting the Tide (January/February 2013) (Click Here)
NY1: NYC Mayor To Propose Installation Of Removable Steel Panels In Some Waterfront Areas (May 2013) (Click Here)
Reuters TV: Stopping the next Superstorm (April 2013) (Click Here)
Feature Videos
PBS NOVA: Inside the Megastorm (November 2012) (Click Here)
NBC Rock Center W/ Brian Williams: Hurricane Sandy (November 2012) (Click Here)
BBC: Sandy - Anatomy of a Superstorm (December 2012) (Click Here)
CNN Presents: 'The Coming Storms' (January 2013) (Click Here)
News 12 Long Island: The Next Big One - Climate change (January 2013) (Click Here)
News 12 Long Island: The Next Big One - Fuel for Thought (February 2013) (Click Here)
Dan Rather Reports: Superstorm Sandy (February 2013) (Click Here)
Mother Jones: After Sandy, Scientists Hunt for Sewage in New York City's Harbors (February 2013) (Click Here)
Documentary short: “Sandy’s Hidden Damage” (October 2013) (Click Here)
On The Air: Radio Features
The Voice of Russia (November 29, 2012) (Click Here)
"Looking to Russian Engineering to Defeat New York's Storms"
WBGO Radio (December 7, 2012) (Click Here)
"Preparing for the Next Big Storm"
American Public Media / National Public Radio (January 10, 2013) (Click Here)
"NY debates expensive storm surge barrier"
WNYC Radio (January 30, 2013) (Click Here)
"From Salt Marshes to Sea Barriers, Preparing for the Next Sandy Defense"
WNYC Radio - The Leonard Lopate Show (February 28, 2013) (Click Here)
"Defending New York City Against Hurricanes With Barriers"
Magazine/Feature Articles
The Villager (January 2013) (pdf)
"Board 2 hears ideas from storm surge prophets" [5-page feature]
The surge from Superstorm Sandy was 14 feet — 2 to 3 feet higher than
anything that had happened before and 2 feet higher than what anyone
had forecast. “So this was flooding on a level that had not been
predicted and was much worse than anything we had seen," said David
Gmach, director of public relations for Con Edison, addressing a a room
packed with Village residents during a meeting of Community Board 2’s Environmental Committee earlier this year.
“The prior record for a storm surge was in the 1820s at around 11 feet
hitting New York Harbor. And, as Gmach pointed out, "The forecast that
everyone was talking about up until just before [Sandy] hit was maybe
reaching that level, maybe exceeding it slightly at about 12 feet. Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Storm
surge expert Malcolm Bowman also spoke at the meeting, adding, “The
bottom line is it’s not a question of if, but a question of when New
York City is going to get flooded.”
Metropolis (February 2013) (pdf) [6-page feature]
"The $5.9 Billion Question"
the wake of Hurricane Sandy, politicians and planners are talking about
building a series of walls and gates across this five-mile gap, as well
as at other important watery interchanges. It’s an idea that once had
only been discussed at “visionary” planning conferences and in
engineering papers. If built as envisioned, this storm surge barrier,
called the New York–New Jersey Outer Harbor Gateway, could also include a
highway, tunnels, and a rail line.
Malcolm Bowman and his
fellow Stony Brook Storm Surge Research Group investigators have done
much of the initial work on barriers for the New York City region. In
2005, Bowman wrote a New York Times op-ed piece in the wake of Hurricane
Katrina that both advocated a system of storm barriers for New York
City and predicted the future. “The question is not if a catastrophic
hurricane or northeaster will hit New York, but when,” he wrote.
For more from Bowman, read this six-page feature story, which is also cited in a segment featuring Bowman from WNYC Radio ...
Related Story: WNYC Radio - "Defending New York City Against Hurricanes With Barriers" (February 28, 2013) (Click Here)
Nature Magazine (February 2013) (pdf) [3-page feature]
"New York VS. The Sea"
This feature story put a spotlight
on what scientists, including Bowman, and officials had to say in the
interest of, as the magazine put it, 'trying to protect the largest U.S.
city from future floods.' Says Bowman, "My viewpoint is not that we should start pouring concrete next week, but I do think we need to do the studies."
Transcript summary, including related YouTube clip ... "Nature: Hurricane Sandy - The City After The Storm" (February 2013) (Click Here)
Scientific American Magazine (June 2013)
"Storm of the Century* (*Every Two Years)"
Print Version: pdf [9-page feature] | Web Version - full article: pdf [12-page feature]
As discussed in this feature story,
the chances of severe flooding in New York City will be as high as one
in two each year by 2100, in part because the U.S. East Coast is a
hotspot for sea-level rise. Experts may be reluctant to recommend
the ultimate protection measures for New York City: building massive
barriers that would cost billions of dollars and moving communities out of the lowest-lying areas.
But Malcolm Bowman, a researcher at Stony Brook University's School of
Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, floated a plan several years ago for
three barriers that would primarily protect Manhattan. His suggestions,
as well as what engineers and others consider feasible solutions in this
rather complex issue, are explored in "Storm of the Century* (*Every
Two Years)." In addition to the nine page article, there are
some comprehensive visuals on: (1) the effects of global sea level rise
on the U.S., (2) where the storm surge barriers should go (pictured),
and (3) how local fixes can help lessen the loss from flood damage to
NYC's coastline ..
National Geographic (September 2013)
"Rising Seas" (Click Here)
In September 2013, National Geographic
placed a spotlight on climate change in its extensive feature story,
"Rising Seas," which focused on a central series of concepts: As the
planet warms, the sea rises. Coastlines flood. What will we protect?
What will we abandon? How will we face the danger of rising seas?
Print Version: pdf [9 page feature] | Web Version: pdf [45 pages]
Newspaper/Online Articles
Scientific Opinion
Newsday (February 1, 2013) (pdf)
"Editorial: Don't rush to plugFire Island breach"
UUP Insight Magazine (February 1, 2013) (pdf)
SBU's Malcolm Bowman: "Superstorm Sandy – How did it happen and are we prepared for the future?"
Newsday (February 1, 2013) (pdf)
SBU's Larry Swanson: "Remember Long Island's lagoons in future storm planning"
Newsday (March 1, 2013) (pdf)
SBU's Chris Gobler: "Keep Inlet Open for Bay Health"
LongIsland.com (March 15, 2013) (pdf)
SBU's Charles Flagg: "The Flooding is Up & Down The East Coast - The Breach at The Old Inlet Is Not Contributing To It"
Sandy and Fire Island Breaches
Newsday (November 6, 2012) (pdf)
"Breaches from Sandy to be filled in"
Associated Press / USA Today (November 23, 2012) (pdf)
"N.Y.'s Fire Island assesses future after Sandy"
Travelers Today (November 24, 2012) (pdf)
"Fire Island's Future in Question After Hurricane Sandy Leaves Destruction Behind"
Newsday (March 23, 2013) (pdf)
"Marine experts: Leave Sandy breach alone"
NYC News Service (March 30, 2013) (pdf)
"Breach Creates an Opinion Divide"
Green Car Congress (April 6, 2013) (pdf)
"Halcrow Presents Conceptual Design for Storm Surge Barrier to Protect the New York Metro Area"
Wall Street Journal (March 31, 2013) (pdf)
"Fire Island's Storm Breach Spurs Debate"
Sandy and Scientific Discussions
Long Island Business News (December 4, 2012) (pdf)
"Stony Brook hosting post-Sandy tech roundtable"
Newsday (December 4, 2012) (pdf)
"Post-Sandy strategy for LI regional panel"
Three Village Patch (April 9, 2013) (pdf)
"Hurricane Sandy Symposium Will Explore Climate Change, Storm Preparation"
Sandy, Science and Storm Surges
MSNBC (November 16, 2012) (pdf)
"Friday's "MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts" line-up"
Sag Harbor Express (November 21, 2012) (pdf)
"Deconstructing Sandy"
Newsday (November 25, 2012) (pdf)
"After Superstorm Sandy, Developers Look at How to Prevent Future NYC Surges"
The News Zealand Herald (November 27, 2012) (pdf)
"Kiwi Leading Call to Block Sea Surges"
The Architect's Newspaper (December 3, 2012) (pdf)
"VENICE ON THE HUDSON? - New York considers massive floodgates to protect against storms"
The Local - Fort Greene/Clinton Hill (December 14, 2012) (pdf)
"Navy Yard Still Recovering After Hurricane Sandy"
Journal Gazette (December 18, 2012) (pdf)
"Flood protection touted for NYC"
The Wall Street Journal (January 3, 2013) (pdf)
"Manufacturing Islands; Superstorm- Protection Plans Weigh the Possibility of Adding Land to the Harbor"
Newsday (January 7, 2013) (pdf)
"FEMA: Sandy impacted 95,534 buildings on LI"
NYC Reconnects (January 18, 2013) (pdf)
"South Ferry subway station may be closed for three years"
Newsday (January 27, 2013) (pdf)
"Scientists study effects of superstorm Sandy"
Sandy and Economics
In These Times (January 28, 2013) (pdf)
"Disaster Capitalism Hits New York - The city will adapt to flooding—but at the expense of the poor?"
Occupy USA Today blog (January 28, 2013) (pdf)
"Disaster Capitalism Hits New York"
Sandy and Potential Impacts on Fuel
Reuters (November 27, 2012) (pdf)
"Sandy gives New York oil supply lesson"
The Huffington Post / Reuters (November 27, 2012) (pdf)
"New York Oil Supply: How Sandy Taught Empire State A Tough Lesson About Fuel"