NYSG Partners for Young Boater Safety & First Responder Cold Water Survival Training
Syracuse, NY, February 20, 2014 - The 2014 Central New York Boat Show, which wrapped up this past weekend at the New York State Fairgrounds, added new attractions this year to draw in more visitors.
This included several New York Sea Grant-partner efforts: (1) A special Cold Water Survival CME-credit Safety Training for New York state-based First Responders with free show admission; (2) Young Boaters Safety Certificate with free show admission; and (3) Daily in-water demonstrations of life jackets.
To help raise awareness about the importance of NYSG-mandated boating safety certification, 44 marina owners and Boating Industries Association (BIA) employees recently by completing the eight-hour NYS Boating Safety Certificate course themselves.
"Marina staff completing the Boating Safety Certificate training can encourage their boating customers to follow suit and assure them that the course is not difficult, but well worth the time to improve safety for themselves and everyone on New York waters," says New York Sea Grant Coastal Recreation and Tourism Specialist Dave White.

One of the many news outlets that picked up on all of the boating safety efforts showcased at the 2014 Central New York Boat Show was Water Times, a daily e-newsletter that collects online content on water-related topics. Coverage from other outlets included various newspapers (pictured above) and television programs, the latter from which video segments are included below ...
Learning to Survive Water Emergencies
Clip Syndicate - WSYR ABC 9 Syracuse - Feb. 12, 2014
Andrew Donovan is taking a dip at the CNY Boat Show. Safety experts are holding a demonstration of cold water survival techniques
Sick of winter? CNY Boat Show begins to get you thinking spring
Time Warner Cable News - Central NY, based in Syracuse, NY - Feb. 12, 2014
By Brad Vivacqua
The temperatures outside may be cold but it's never too early to start thinking about boating season.
The Central New York Boat Show will take center stage at the New York State Fairgrounds today through Sunday.
From personal watercrafts to pontoon boats you can find about 500 boats in three buildings at the state fairgrounds beginning at 1 p.m.
The show is just the right medicine to take us from the winter blues and get us thinking about warmer conditions and getting on the water.
The boats on display and for sale will be featured by 10 dealers from across the region.
Officials say as the industry continues to change, new boats come equipped with better features and more amenities.
"It is only February, but a lot of our dealers, they don't have a ton of boats in their yard, and a lot of them, if you want to order a boat, if you order it now, you'll have it by summer. If you wait until summer to order it, you may not have it until fall," said Drew Wickham, the CNY Boat Show manager.
In addition to all the boats, and information you can pick up about maintaining your boats, one thing is clear,
safety should always come first.
You can purchase products like new model life jackets or take advantage of some safety demonstrations.
"An opportunity for first responders, to come to the show for free and then participate in a one hour seminar, while they're here, including the in water life jacket demonstration where they can earn a one certification credit towards the credits they need for being re-certified as first responders," said Dave White, a New York Sea Grant boating specialist.
Admission is $10.
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Cold-Water Rescue Demos At CNY Boat Show
WWNY-TV Channel 7 News / WNYF-TV Fox 28, based in Watertown, NY; Serving Northern New York and Southeast Ontario - February 11, 2014
New York Sea Grant's Dave White donned a cold-water survival suit to let people know there will be cold-water rescue demonstrations at the Central New York Boat Show in Syracuse this week.
First responders can get in to the show free Wednesday and Thursday. There will be an hour-long cold-water rescue demonstration at 6 p.m. each day.
For more information about the boat show, go to www.cnyboatshow.com.
Call 315-312-3042 for more information on New York Sea Grant.
CNY Boat show has free tickets if you do boater safety training
Channel 3, an NBC-affiliate / Channel 5, a CBS-affiliate / Channel 6, a CW-affiliate (WSTM, WTVH, WSTQ-TV; Based in Syracuse, NY) - February 9, 2014
By Laura Hand
Photo: Dave White (wearing the 'Gumby' suit) on Weekend Today in CNY talking about boater safety courses planned for the CNY Boat Show
In-water survival demonstrations also planned; Courses for First Responders, 10 - 17 year olds.
When Dave White, NY Sea Grant's Coastal Recreation and Tourism Specialist came to visit Weekend Today in Central NY on Sunday morning, he was not wearing your typical street clothes.
Affectionately known as a Gumby Suit, the bright orange cold water survival suit he was wearing was a reminder that there's a need for rescuers to go into the water, year-round.
White visited to promote the boater safety courses planned for this year's CNY Boat Show, which opens at the State Fairgrounds on Wednesday. This year, free admission and free tickets are being offered for people who take those courses.
For First Responders, cold water survival training is being offered, Wednesday or Thursday at 6pm. People who come in uniform, or with first responder ID get in the show free. The in-water demonstration is at 6:30, and open to the public to watch
Young boaters (age 10 - 17) can take safety certification courses at the show, and get 3 tickets to the show if they pre-register at 312-3042.
The Boat Show runs Wednesday - Friday 1 - 9pm, Saturday 10am-9pm and Sunday 10am - 5pm
Cold Water Survival: Bridge Street
LocalSYR.com - WSYR-TV News Channel 9, an ABC-affiliate - January 27, 2014
Dave White from New York Sea Grant talks about cold water safety on
local news station, promotes the importance of wearing a life jacket.
More Info: New York Sea Grant
New York Sea Grant (NYSG), a cooperative program of Cornell University
and the State University of New York, is one of 33 university-based
programs under the National Sea Grant College Program (NSGCP) of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The NSGCP
engages this network of the nation’s top universities in conducting
scientific research, education, training and extension projects designed
to foster science-based decisions about the use and conservation of our
aquatic resources. Through its statewide network of integrated
services, NYSG has been promoting coastal vitality, environmental
sustainability, and citizen awareness about the State’s marine and Great
Lakes resources since 1971.
For updates on Sea Grant activities: www.nyseagrant.org has RSS, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube links. NYSG also offers a free e-list sign up via www.nyseagrant.org/coastlines for NY Coastlines, its flagship publication, which, in 2014, merges with the program's e-newsletter, Currents. NY Coastlines is published several times a year.