New York Sea Grant Site Review Click here to learn about the public comment period NYSG's upcoming site review.
The deadline to submit comments is end of day on Monday, November 11, 2024.

Hello, and welcome to New York Sea Grant's website for proposal and application submission. 

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Please click on the opportunity in the "Current Opportunities" table below for which you are interested in applying. If no opportunities are present in this table, please check back at a later date:

Current Funding Opportunities:
LIS Resilience Grant Writing Assistance Program
Closes at: 5:00 PM Eastern on Tuesday, September 30, 2025.
Applications accepted on rolling basis until all funding allocated.

Other Current Funding Opportunities:

NYSG's Community Engaged Summer Fellowship | Click Here

NYSG's New York Coastal Resilience Law and Policy Program Summer Fellowship | Click Here

New York Sea Grant's Recurring Funding Opportunities

New York Sea Grant's Biennial Research Call
This is our main call for research. It is announced every other year beginning with a request for pre-proposals. Research topics are based on meeting the goals of our strategic plan. NYSG supports research on marine, Hudson River estuary, and Great Lakes (and Great Rivers—Niagara and St. Lawrence) topics and issues. To receive an announcement when the next call is released, sign up for our RFP Announcement List - NYSGRFP-L below.

Connecticut Sea Grant and New York Sea Grant Call for Long Island Sound Research
This call is released every other year to fund research that will support the science-based management of Long Island Sound (LIS) and its resources, and the implementation of the LISS Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP). The LISS is a regional, community-based partnership to protect and restore LIS. Information on the LISS can be obtained at To receive an announcement when the next call is released, sign up for our RFP Announcement List - NYSGRFP-L below.

Fellowship Opportunities | Click Here
Descriptions of some of the fellowships that are available on a regular basis.

New York Sea Grant's Mini-Grant Funding - Guidelines for applying | PDF
STATUS: No applications are accepted at this time.
Background: New York Sea Grant has limited funds each year that are available to support special funding requests. These mini-grant funding requests provide limited funding to support such things as to help sponsor conferences or workshops or small research projects. The guidelines document provides detailed information about the different categories of funding requests and how to apply.

Get E-Updates on Future NYSG Funding Opportunities:

RFP Announcement List - NYSGRFP-L | Request Form
NYSGRFP-L is a listserv providing timely announcements of RFP and related opportunities released by New York Sea Grant and other funding agencies. This is a low volume non-discussion distribution list that sends out announcements of RFPs and related opportunities of interest to New York researchers such as fellowships, travel grants and conferences. Members receive information about funding opportunities directly through their email inboxes. This listserv is open to researchers in New York State. To be added to the list, fill out the request form.

Employment and Student Opportunities List | Request Form
This list is for sending out Great Lakes, marine, and coastal-related career employment, and student opportunities. Announcements will include such opportunities as fellowship announcements, graduate student and post-doc opportunities, internships, faculty positions, and positions at agencies, NGOs, industry, and academic institutions. Announcements are sent weekly. To be added to the list, fill out the request form.

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